Name and explain the stages of Meiosis.

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1 Answer

Well, Meiosis is split into two parts: meiosis I and meiosis II. The phases in meiosis have the same names, but you can distinguish between the parts of I and II. For example, instead of calling saying "anaphase," we say "anaphase I," and "anaphase II."

In prophase I, the centrioles move to the opposite sides of the cell and the mitotic spindle begins to form. Once it reaches metaphase I, the spindle has formed, and the microtubles are attached to the centromeres (the part that joins two sister chromatids together), because they're getting ready to pull the homologous pairs of chromosomes away from each other.

Once anaphase I is reached, the homologous pairs are separated. Then, in telophase I, the plasma membrane forms along the equatorial plane, which formed two haploid cells.  Now, as we enter meiosis II, we enter prophase II, which is where the centrioles are duplicated (again) and travel to opposite ends of the cell to form the spindle. Then, in metaphase II, the spindle is fully formed, and the chromosomes line up on the equatorial plane, and the microtubles attach to the centromere. In anaphase II, the microtubles attached to the centromeres pull the chromosomes away from their duplicates, which pulls the originals to one side and the duplicates to the other.


Finally, in telophase II, the plasma membrane constricts along the equatoirial plane, separating into two cells (take note that at the end of meiosis I, two cells were formed, and the processes described about meiosis II happen in both cells, which in the end, results in four cells total).

by Level 2 User (2.9k points)

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